Software Development Expertise 



Microprocessor Architectures

ARM Cortex-A7, A8, A9, A15, A53, A72;
ARM Cortex-M0, M0+, M3, M4, M7;
8 and 16-bit microcontrollers


RTOS (FreeRTOS, Azure OS, Zephyr OS, mbed OS, RT-thread OS) Linux

Linux Distributions

Raspberry Pi OS (Debian)
Ubuntu OS
Balena OS
Yocto Project Linux Distribution

Software Components

Bootloaders (u-boot, barebox)
Device Drivers (Display, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, camera)
Hardware Abstraction Layers
Software ‘Glue’ modules (QT, Docker, OpenGL, OpenCV, OpenVX,TensorFlow, and more)
Graphic Application (QT)
Web UI (Dashboard, Diagnostic, RESTful API)
Wireless (WiFi, BT, LoRaWAN, FSK)
Industrial Application (CODESYS Hardware Abstraction, Modbus)
Test Application (Test framework, Stress test, Production test)

Programming Language

C/C++, Python, Java, Rust, node.js, Shell, HTML5

Platform Optimization
Power Management, system-wide analysis, boot time, POSIX & realtime, and insisted programming
Complete Documentation
Quick Start, Software Update, and technical guides
Custom development guides based on actual customized hardware

Flexible Delivery
Deliver via GitHub, archives, binaries, or other methods of secure software delivery
Production Ready
Build your production images and have EDATEC flash them to your hardware