5 Configuring System

This chapter introduces how to configure system.

5.1 Finding Device IP

Finding Device IP

5.2 Remote Login

Remote Login

5.3 Configuring Storage Devices

Configuring Storage Devices

5.4 Configuring Ethernet IP

Configuring Ethernet IP

5.5 Configuring Wi-Fi (Optional)

Configuring Wi-Fi

5.6 Configuring Bluetooth (Optional)

Configuring Bluetooth

5.7 Configuring 4G (Optional)

Configuring 4G

5.8 Configuring Buzzer

Configuring Buzzer

5.9 Configuring RTC

Configuring RTC

5.10 Configuring Serial Port

This chapter introduces the configuration method of RS232 and RS485.

5.10.1 Installing picocom tool

In the Linux environment, you can use the picocom tool to debug the serial ports RS232 and RS485.

Execute the following command to install the picocom tool.

sudo apt-get install picocom

5.10.2 Configuring RS232

ED-HMI2630-101C includes 0~2 RS232 ports with their corresponding COM ports and device files, as shown in the table below:


Number of RS232 PortsCorresponding COM PortCorresponding Device File
2COM1, COM3/dev/com1, /dev/com3


Number of RS232 PortsCorresponding COM PortCorresponding Device File


The RS232 ports of ED-HMI2630-101C has been connected with external device.


  1. Execute the following command to open the serial port com1, and configure the serial port baud rate to 115200.
picocom -b 115200 /dev/com1
  1. Input commands as needed to control external device.

5.10.3 Configuring RS485

ED-HMI2630-101C includes 2~4 RS485 ports with their corresponding COM ports and device files, as shown in the table below:


Number of RS485 PortsCorresponding COM PortCorresponding Device File
2COM2, COM4/dev/com2, /dev/com4


Number of RS485 PortsCorresponding COM PortCorresponding Device File
3COM2, COM3, COM4/dev/com2, /dev/com3, /dev/com4


Number of RS485 PortsCorresponding COM PortCorresponding Device File
4COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4/dev/com1, /dev/com2, /dev/com3, /dev/com4


The RS485 ports of ED-HMI2630-101C has been connected with external device.


  1. Execute the following command to open the serial port com4, and configure the serial port baud rate to 115200.
picocom -b 115200 /dev/com4
  1. Input commands as needed to control external device.

5.11 Configuring DI

The ED-HMI2630-101C includes 8 DI ports, which can be configured according to the actual requirement.


The connection of the DI port of the ED-HMI2630-101C to the external sensor has been completed.


  1. Execute the following commands in sequence to detect and install the gpiod tool.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gpiod
  1. Execute the following command to read the data from the corresponding DI port.
gpiofind DI0 | awk '{print substr($0,9)}' | xargs -i bash -c "gpioget
  • DI0 indicates the corresponding port number.

5.12 Configuring DO

The ED-HMI2630-101C includes 8 DO ports, which can be configured according to the actual requirement.


The connection of the DO port of the ED-HMI2630-101C to the external load has been completed.


  1. Execute the following commands in sequence to detect and install the gpiod tool.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install gpiod
  1. Execute the following commands to set the output to high or low.
  • Setting the output to a high level.
​gpiofind DO0 | awk '{print substr($0,9)}' | xargs -i bash -c "gpioset {}=1
  • ​DO0 indicates the corresponding port number.
  • 1 indicates that the pin is high level.
  • Setting the output to a low level.
​gpiofind DO0 | awk '{print substr($0,9)}' | xargs -i bash -c "gpioset {}=0
  • DO0 indicates the corresponding port number.
  • 0 indicates that the pin is low level.

5.13 Configuring CAN

5.13.1 Installing can-utils tool

Execute the following commands in sequence to detect and install the can-utils tool.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install can-utils

5.13.2 Setting CAN state


The connection of the CAN port of the ED-HMI2630-101C to external devices has been completed.


  1. Execute the following command to set the baud rate of the CAN port to 1000000.
sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 1000000

​where can0 is the port number and the values include can0 and can1.

  1. Execute the following command to open the CAN port.
sudo ip link set can0 up

​where can0 is the port serial number and the values include can0 and can1.

  1. Execute the following command to set up the CAN port for communication.
  • Receive data:
candump can0
  • Send data:
cansend can0 123#1122334455667788

​ where can0 is the port serial number and the values include can0 and can1.

123#1122334455667788 is the message to be sent, which can be customised by the user according to the format.

5.14 Configuring Audio

Configuring Audio

5.15 Configuring USER Indicator

Configuring USER Indicator