Update 4G Module Firmware

1 Overview

Introduction to the background and scope of use for upgrading the firmware version of the device 4G module on ED-CM4SEN, ED-CM4IND, ED-IPC2100 series, ED-IPC2600 series, ED-HMI2120, ED-HMI2630, ED-IPC3100 series, ED-IPC3600 series, ED-HMI3120 and ED-HMI3630.

1.1 Background

Some users have reported issues such as unstable 4G connections, disconnections, and inability to initiate dialing while using the devices. In response to these issues, we conducted a series of tests and communicated with our 4G module supplier, Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd.. Based on the findings, it is recommended to update the 4G module firmware to address the above problems. Additionally, due to the technical iteration of Qualcomm chipsets, Quectel Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd. suggests that users who need it update their 4G module firmware to the latest version.

As shown in the table below, our devices currently feature 7 models of 4G modules, among which the firmware of 5 models can be upgraded to a newer version. The EC25EFA-MINIPCIE and EC25JFA-MINIPCIE modules already have the latest firmware version pre-installed at the time of shipment and therefore do not require an upgrade.


Before upgrading, please check the device's SN code (the SN code label is usually located on the device's enclosure). If the first four digits of the SN code are greater than or equal to 2503, the firmware shipped with the device is already the latest version.

Module ModelFactory Shipping Firmware VersionNewest Firmware Version

1.2 Scope of Application

This application applies to ED-CM4SEN, ED-CM4IND, ED-IPC2100 series, ED-IPC2600 series, ED-HMI2120, ED-HMI2630, ED-IPC3100 series, ED-IPC3600 series, ED-HMI3120 and ED-HMI3630 that ship with a 4G module.

2 Usage Guide

This section describes the procedure for upgrading the 4G module firmware on ED-CM4SEN, ED-CM4IND, ED-IPC2100 series, ED-IPC2600 series, ED-HMI2120, ED-HMI2630, ED-IPC3100 series, ED-IPC3600 series, ED-HMI3120 and ED-HMI3630


  • The device has booted up properly
  • The device has access to Ethernet via WiFi or network port
  • All other USB devices (except mouse and keyboard) have been removed to avoid creating redundant ttyUSB under /dev.

Operating steps:

  1. Execute the following commands in sequence to install the python libraries required for the firmware upgrade.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-serial python3-regex python3-requests -y
  1. Execute the following command to upgrade the module firmware.
curl -s https://apt.edatec.cn/bsp/update_4g_firmware_by_user.py | sudo python3


The firmware upgrade process lasts about 1 ~ 2 minutes, please do not abort the process or disconnect the power supply during the process!

  1. Wait for the upgrade to complete and the programme will exit automatically.


If the upgrade fails, please save the log file starting with update_4g_firmware in the directory where you executed the command in step 2 and contact our technical support.

  1. (Optional) Check the firmware version of the upgraded 4G module

    a) Open the ttyUSB3 using the serial port utility

    b) Send the at command `at+qgmr

    Examples of operations are shown below:

    Open ttyUSB3 with microcom

sudo busybox microcom -s 115200 /dev/ttyUSB3
# Enter manually and then enter