4 Configuring System

This chapter introduces how to configure system.

4.1 Compile Camera Demo

How to compile and startup Camera test example.

  1. Go to the folder where the test file is located.
cd /usr/share/eda-aic-lib/examples/
  1. Compile the test code
  • Python
sudo python test_camera_hq.py
  • c++
mkdir test
cd test
sudo cmake .. -DENABLE_HQ=ON
sudo make
sudo ./test_io

4.2 Camera I/O Control

  • The eda-io.h file provides the program that operates the control interface (C++) of the AI Camera IO, which is stored at /usr/include/eda/eda-io.h.

  • The libedaio2.so file provides the program to operate the control interface (Python) of the AI Camera IO, which is located at /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/libedaio2.so.

4.3 Camera Sensor Control

The ED-AIC3000 uses the open source picamera2 library to control the camera, picamera2 provides a range of API.

4.4 Camera API Example

The control functions for the AI Camera Sensor are provided by the picamera2 library and support turning the sensor on and off, capturing images, etc. Here are some sample descriptions.

picam2 = Picamera2()Get Camera Control Instance
preview_config = picam2.create_preview_configuration()Create a preview configuration
picam2.configure(preview_config)Apply the preview configuration to the camera
picam2.start_preview(Preview.NULL)Start the camera preview function, NULL means do not show the picture on the screen
picam2.start()Start the camera hardware and software flow pipeline
picam2.capture_file("test.jpg")Capture an image and save it as test.jpg
picam2.close()Close the camera hardware and software streaming pipeline

For more details and to check picamera2 official information Picamera2 Manual

4.5 I/O API

The I/O API provides control functions for the AI Camera I/O, supporting control of indicators, control of lasers, control of RGB lights, and control of outputs.

4.5.1 C++ environment

The control function of AI Camera I/O in C++ environment is as follows:

eda::EdaIo *em = eda::EdaIo::getInstance()Get IO control instance
void setup()Initialize IO settings
void openLaser()Turn on the laser
void closeLaser()Turn off the laser
void setScanStat(bool good)Set status indicator
void openAlarm()Turn on the warning light
void closeAlarm()Turn off the warning light
void setDo1High(bool high)Set output1 output
void setDo2High(bool high)Set output2 output
void registerInput(IoTrigger callback)Register input trigger callback function
void registerTrigger(IoTrigger callback)Register trigger button callback function
void registerTune(IoTrigger callback)Register Tune button callback function
void setRgbLight(uint8_t light)Set up RGB lighting

4.5.2 Python3 language environment

The control function of AI Camera I/O in Python3 language environment is shown below:

eda = EdaIo.singleton()Get IO control instance
eda.openLaser()Turn on the laser
eda.closeLaser()Turn off the laser
eda.setScanStat(True)Set status indicator
eda.openAlarm()Turn on the warning light
eda.closeAlarm()Turn off the warning light
eda.open_light()Open light
eda.close_light()Close light
eda.eda.enableLightSection()Enable light(evaluatable:1,2,3,4)
eda.eda.disableLightSection()Disable light(evaluatable:1,2,3,4)
eda.setDo1High(True)Set output1 output
eda.setDo2High(False)Set output2 output
registerInput(func_trigger)Register input trigger callback function
registerTrigger(func_trigger)>Register trigger button callback function
registerTune(func_trigger)Register Tune button callback function
eda.setRgbLight(1)Set up RGB lighting

4.5.3 Operating Instructions

  1. initialization
  • Before operating I/O, you need to obtain an I/O instance eda::EdaIo *em = eda::EdaIo::getInstance();
  • Initialize the instance em->setup();
  1. I/O control supports event registration callback functions
  • input event em->registerInput(trigger_input);
  • Trigger button em->registerTrigger(trigger_trigger);
  • Tune button em->registerTune(trigger_tune);
  1. Control I/O (must be initialized first)
  • Controlling lasers em->openLaser() and em->closeLaser();
  • Control status indicator em->setScanStat(true) and em->setScanStat(false);
  • Control alarm indicator light em->openAlarm() and em->openAlarm();
  • Control two outputs em->setDo1High(false) and em->setDo2High(false);
  1. Control lights (must be initialized first)
  • Control side light color em->setRgbLight(1);

    • 0: Close
    • 1: Red
    • 2: Green
    • 3: Blue
    • 4: Yellow
    • 5: White
  • Control light source

    • Enable light source (enabled by default) em->enableLightSection(1) The value range is 1~4, corresponding to different partitions
    • Disable light source em->disableLightSection(1), the value range is 1~4, corresponding to different partitions Python

  1. Initialization
  • Get I/O instance before manipulating IO eda = EdaIo.singleton()
  • Initialize the instance eda.setup().
  1. I/O control supports registering callback functions for events.
  • input input event registerInput(func_input)
  • Trigger keystroke registerTrigger(func_trigger)
  • Tune button registerTune(func_tune).
  1. Control I/O (must be initialized first)
  • Control of laser eda.openLaser() and eda.closeLaser()
  • Controlling status indicators eda.setScanStat(true) and eda.setScanStat(false)
  • Controls the alarm indicator eda.openAlarm() and eda.openAlarm();
  • Control of two outputs eda.setDo1High(false) and eda.etDo2High(false);
  1. Control the lights (initialization must be done first)
  • Control the sidelight color eda.setRgbLight(1);

    • 0: OFF
    • 1: Red
    • 2: Green
    • 3: Blue
    • 4: Yellow
    • 5: White
  • Controlling the light source

    • Enable light source (default is enabled) eda.enableLightSection(1) Value range 1~4, corresponding to different partitions.
    • Disable light source eda.disableLightSection(1) Range 1~4, corresponding to different partitions.

4.6 Gpiochip Configure

The gpiochip to be used can be set in /etc/aic/config.ini after entering the system.


  1. Use the following command to enter config,ini, and modify the gpiochip you want to configure.
sudo nano /etc/aic/config.ini
  1. After setting, press 'Ctrl+o', 'Enter' to save, and press 'Ctrl+x' to exit after saving.
  2. Execute the following command to reboot the device.
sudo reboot